Heartless; A book for someone as Mad as a Hatta
I have come to a sound conclusion. I love Marissa Meyer. Her works are addicting, and I now find myself hunting for more. This novel is different from the Lunar Chronicles, not a
sci-fi fantasy, but a story of power and romance, what people would do for a title. Catherine, the main character is so human, wanting her dreams first, and wanting someone to share them with, no matter her status. When I first saw Marissa Meyer wrote this, I thought it would be like Cinder or Fairest, connecting with the worlds of Luna and Earth. I was wrong. This book is truly something of its own, and I was connected to each word. I expected a romance that is dripping with sap, and if you have had the same idea for this book, take a look in the World of Hearts to see the truth. Everyone wants to follow their heart, but what if others are truly heartless?