Glass Sword/ King's Cage; The lines blur together
*Includes slight spoilers*
So, let me just start by saying the subtitle I made is not an insult. It is to be a symbol of what a bit of the books stand for. I wrote a review for the first book of this series, the Red Queen, and I must say, being able to read the second and third of the set has really gotten me addicted to this series. In the first book, we know that there is a divide between the types of blood, you can be born with either Silver or Red blood. This blood color determines what part of society you'll be a part of. Mare, the main character, is a red blood, but we find out something is special about her, something that makes her different. In these books, we find out that she is not alone in this special 'talent' of hers. She and the Scarlet Guard are on a mission to get the others like her, to stop the Silvers from continuing their use of red slaves. What I love about this book series is that it grows organically. We can feel what the characters are feeling, and we can get a greater sense of the world they live in because of all the use of imagery and tone.
Can I just say that I love/hate Maven? Maven is one of the love interests for Mare, and while I hate the Joffrey he has become (Game of Thrones fans will understand). I honestly love what Aveyard has done with her characters, because you can't love the heroine outright, but you can't hate her, she is human. Each character is complex, full of twists and turns, and something that is so undeniably hard to wrap my head around. I say that in the terms that most of the books that I have read, the hero is liked and the villain is hated, but here, the lines are so blurred that you can't tell if you love the villain, hate the heroine, or feel a bit of both (I feel both for them).
So, to summarize, I love this series, and I do recommend it to anyone who wants a bit of that YA fiction with so many twists you feel like a mind pretzel. If you do read it, tell me what you think, your voice is why I do this.