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The King's Curse

So, I can say that I love the War of the Roses era of England, from all the Game of Thrones and Phillipa Gregory I've read in the last few years. This book is one of the collection that is making a space in my heart.

The King's Curse is about Margaret Pole, daughter of George Plantagenet, brother to Edward IV and Richard III, york kings. It is set after the Tudors secured themselves as the ruling house and ending the War of the Roses. Margaret was brought into the wild politics because of the distrust King Henry VII had for the remaining York members. She is wound deeper into the web that Henry makes when her husband becomes guardian to Arthur, Prince of Wales and Heir of England. You get to join her in the life she must live after her family was taken and her whole world changed.

I honestly love how Gregory shapes the world, looking at everything from the eyes of a women who had her world ripped from her hands. We get to see so many facets of the world and the politics that surround Margaret, her family, and the Tudor family. How the way that Henry VIII is written with all the rules on his raising, from never losing to tennis, or only being allowed out to row when there is no chance of rain leads to the king we know him as, powerful and vain. One of the best things about this book is that you don't have to read the others to really understand the characters and politics; but if you love Game of Thrones and are a major history nerd like me, Phillipa Gregory is your author.


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