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Dreams of Fire; a spark of magic in the world

So, this is a book that I read as a review for the author. It was a spur of the moment read tbh, because I have been so busy with classes and my jobs. But, I read it because it seemed interesting.

We are first introduced to our main character, Kara and her brother at a Canadian prison, visiting Charlotte, someone who is very important to Kara and her family. The scene then changes, are we are still with Kara, but this time we are along the ride of her life in Washington DC. We get to meet Selene, who I got gay/bi vibes from the first moment that we meet her. Lo and behold, Selene and Kara start SLOWLY dating. In the background, there is magic that is part of a large percentage of the population's life, with limitations and restrictions. Other than Kara, we are introduced to Saba Qureshi, someone who is working at the Canadian prison that we first saw in the beginning of the book. I will say that I had the feeling that something was up with her, because the vook has only ben good things, and boy was I right. Saba is someone that decides that the way that magic is done in the world is not correct, so she teams up with Charlotte to start destroying the magical world.

I honestly don't know how I feel about this book. I really appreciated the slow romance between Kara and Selene, but it felt too slow and we didn't know it was a relationship until the very end of the book. The book focuses too much on Kara and her 'normal' life and there is no buildup of plot. In the final chapter it seemed that there was finally a little buildup of plot, but boy was I wrong. I don't think I enjoyed the book, because I felt like there was no plot, and the life of Kara on the daily isn't that important. I do hope that this book is part of a series, because it needs the assistance of some plot meatiness. I will say that if there is more of a series, I will be reading it again to see if my opinion changes.


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